Ten temat jest zamknięty. Nowe posty posty nie są dozwolone.

unable to write a post via the mobile phone Zgłoś problem techniczny

few days before i found that i can't write a post or a comment via my mobile phone.but i was able to update via my phone previously and not.i would be glad if you can find out a way to get rid of this thing. Thank you!

I'm making a web for mobile or tablet now, but a lot of info will be deleted.

Now is testing

Unfortunately Penpal-Gate is currently not optimized for mobile devices at all.
And Sonny I'm afraid the only thing you're working on is Photoshop!

Ten temat jest zamknięty. Nowe posty posty nie są dozwolone.
Ten temat był przez jakiś czas nieaktywny i jest teraz tylko do odczytu.