The last movie you saw Filmy, muzyka, telewizja

'You, Me & Dupree'

D87 D87

My last movie was "Capitalism - A love story" by Michael Moore

-> A great movie!

I didn't see any movies recently, I watched a lot of TV series 😃
But the last movie that I saw was probably "Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug" in cinema. I love it 😁

D87 D87

"Mercy" the picturization of Jussi Adler-Olsen's "Kvinden i buret"

The broken circle breakdown

"The wolf of wall street"... A great great great film ! And I hope sincerely that DiCaprio will win an Oscar in March, as well as Jonah Hill (because he is so cool, cute and amazing too!) Both really deserve it ! 🙂

Ashes of Time(東邪西毒),whose characters are based on a renowned Wuxia novel named The Legend of Condor Heroes(射雕英雄傳).The backgroud is set in the western desert.Beautiful scence, nice score and emotional story--characters are ancient but their way of thinking is modern.

Days of Being Wild(阿飛正傳) is about a man's story of looking for his root.The atomosphere of 1960s Hong Kong is quite nostalgic。

Both are directed by Kar Wai Wong.

The last film I saw was the amazing spiderman 2

My last movie was "Capitalism - A love story" by Michael Moore

-> A great movie!

Agree. Quite fun as well.

I Love You Phillip Morris, haha.
That's a hilarious one.
By the way, the song named Steal Away from that movie is superb.

The last Harry Potter movie - It was ok, but way to dark in my opinion and to predictable.

X-Men : Days of Future Past.It's good to see Captain Jean-Luc and Gandolf show up again.
As I have expected, there is an easter-egg after the credit.

Edytowane przez Jasonthefirst .

Saw movie marathon so the last saw movie haha~

I saw Red Riding Hood with Amanda Seyfried yesterday ...
The movie wasn't really good, but the actor of Peter (don't know the name & I'm too lazy to google) is pretty hot 😃

The Grand Budapest Hotel
Beautiful scenes with fun story telling!

The day the earth stood still.
It was a nice movie and so true!

it was the great and powerful Oz.....I like animation films

the new episode of X-MEN!!! it was fantastic! i love x men and in particoular hugh jackman 😛

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