Are u a vegetarian or vegan 🌱? Wszystko i nic

Firstly because most of the water counted in raising kg of meat is rain, secondly because they eat unedible food for humans or, at least and as far as I am concerned, I can't digest grass and I'm pretty much ineffective to deal with cellulose.
Honestly I think it would still be better to skip the animals, even though they eat inedible food.

Not if you're talking about grazing and just straight up grass fields, but in any case where we plant food specifically for them.
Obviously if the food wouldn't be given to the animals, we'd also plant other stuff there to feed to humans.

And because the food goes directly to humans in that case, we would need much less fields to provide for everybody. The food-to-meat ratio is really had after all.
So in the end there would be much more space for just nature to do it's thing.

Yes! !!

You being, vegan or vegetarian, I don’t care really, is just a phase, you’ll change your ways, doesn’t matter if you’ve done that “since 7 years”
"It's just a phase" is the most annoying phrase anybody could ever tell anyone about anything.

I'm pretty sure me being disgusted by the very idea of eating or even just touching a corpse, that most likely had a very unhappy and way too short life, is not a phase.
I'd rather not be perfectly healthy than cause animals to suffer during their entire lifetime and then die after a year or however long it takes them to get fat enough.

Well, I’m sorry (I’m not) but everything in life is a phase, you can’t change that. If you don’t like how it’s sounds, then I’ll rephrase myself, “I find aggressive vegans/vegetarians annoying, especially when they try to prove their dominance, in Hannah’s case, as a teen whose older than her, and WAS a vegetarian for 2 years, I know that this is just a phase, like it or not”

It’s cool that you made your choice of sparing animals’ lives. But as a teen girl, it is healthy sometimes to consume protein such as meat. Like it or not, that’s how it works. You being, vegan or vegetarian, I don’t care really, is just a phase, you’ll change your ways, doesn’t matter if you’ve done that “since 7 years”
It’s not “just a phase “ 😭😭😭. And I don’t need meat, I do it since 7 years and I’m very very healthy! And you can’t know my live. And it’s not “just a phase” that’s the baddest thing that u said to me 😔😭… I mean you eat so many animals, only for one person. Why should I eat meat?! I’m healthy and I don’t need it!!!
Anyone understand me?
… wow, I love my generation so much

I don’t want an argument!
Clearly you do, just by seeing how aggressive each of your message looks like, you do want to prove that your choices are the healthiest of all

No! But you don’t accept that I’m a vegetarian since 7 years! And it’s not just a phase!!!!!
And I never said that is it the healthiest of all, I just said that is healthy too because some people like you don’t know that!
7 years is not a phase it’s very long!! I never said that I have a problem with meat eaters, but you seem habe a problem with me.

I don’t want an argument!
Clearly you do, just by seeing how aggressive each of your message looks like, you do want to prove that your choices are the healthiest of all
I don’t want an argument!
Clearly you do, just by seeing how aggressive each of your message looks like, you do want to prove that your choices are the healthiest of all
I don’t want an argument!
Clearly you do, just by seeing how aggressive each of your message looks like, you do want to prove that your choices are the healthiest of all
I don’t want an argument!
Clearly you do, just by seeing how aggressive each of your message looks like, you do want to prove that your choices are the healthiest of all
Hey relax, don’t be angry. It’s not an argument! Just a debate!


I don’t want an argument!
Clearly you do, just by seeing how aggressive each of your message looks like, you do want to prove that your choices are the healthiest of all
I don’t want an argument!
Clearly you do, just by seeing how aggressive each of your message looks like, you do want to prove that your choices are the healthiest of all
I don’t want an argument!
Clearly you do, just by seeing how aggressive each of your message looks like, you do want to prove that your choices are the healthiest of all
I don’t want an argument!
Clearly you do, just by seeing how aggressive each of your message looks like, you do want to prove that your choices are the healthiest of all
Hey relax, don’t be angry. It’s not an argument! Just a debate!
Nah, really I’m calm here, just wanted to join in, ‘cause I hate to be annoyed

But you don’t accept me.
AND ITS NOT JUST A PHASE! accept that!

But you don’t accept me.
I don’t care about you, why do I have to accept you, you’re annoying me🤣

You also want that people accept you.
And I’m not annoying!!!!!!! Du musst ja auch nicht mit mir schreiben wenn du kein Bock auf mich hast! I Never Said Bad things to you!
It’s not just a phase!

You also eat that people accept you.
So I’m a cannibal now?🤣

You make me laugh

You also want that people accept you.
And I’m not annoying!!!!!!! Du musst ja auch nicht mit mir schreiben wenn du kein Bock auf mich hast! I Never Said Bad things to you!
It’s not just a phase!
The only problem here is you being mad at people with a different POV, nothing else 😅

Firstly because most of the water counted in raising kg of meat is rain, secondly because they eat unedible food for humans or, at least and as far as I am concerned, I can't digest grass and I'm pretty much ineffective to deal with cellulose.
Honestly I think it would still be better to skip the animals, even though they eat inedible food.

Not if you're talking about grazing and just straight up grass fields, but in any case where we plant food specifically for them.
Obviously if the food wouldn't be given to the animals, we'd also plant other stuff there to feed to humans.

And because the food goes directly to humans in that case, we would need much less fields to provide for everybody. The food-to-meat ratio is really had after all.
So in the end there would be much more space for just nature to do it's thing.

Some spaces are unsuitable for farming, which are typically whhat pastures are. Also, meat provides nutrients of better quality and easier to digest than plants, making the food-to-meat ration not so easy to speak about, so they still have a high value.
Where I agree though is in reducing (drastically) the amount of meat consumed and hence the animals we "raise" which use a lott of good soils or simply contribute to deforestation. Unfortunately, nowadays, I don't think that any of this is reachable because vegan/vegetarians ((the noisy part of this group) often blame people who eat meat for eating meat in a dogmatic and, hence, an innefective way instead of firstly focusing on reducing waste, which is shameful and would already be a great step forward for everybody, or by simply promoting quality over quantity and thus reducing meat consumption, but also by, often, falling for greenwashing and "green-capitalism", buying crap from the other side of the planet that is sometimes more detrimental than eating meat for ecosystems and climate

As for "nature to do its thing", that's a kind of misconception. Nowaday, such places barely exist anywhere, even in the areas people believe to be "natural". Most of the areas are highly managed and I believe your country is an extreme example of this.

So instead you'd prefer entire species to lose their natural habitats due to agrarian, "healthy", developments in the forests? You'd prefer the humanity to die out from a heat crisis?
I don't know what you're referring to with that first part.

But first of all the climate change is our own fault and very heavily connected to industrialized farming or whatever it's called. Where tons of animals are kept together on way too small space. The animals need tons of food and water to grow to a point where they are killed. If we just ate their food and water directly and skipped the middle man, instead of feeding it to them first, it would be much more effective.

And actually unlike some people I'm not obsessed with the idea of humanity being incredibly worthy of survival or whatever. We actively make our planet into a place where we can't survive, and we also kill each other and tons of other creatures while we're at it. I don't see what good we bring to this world.
I like my own life and I'd like to enjoy my life until it's over, but I could not care less about whether humans die out in 100 or in 5000 years.

Well... So you can't survive on a deserted island...
I hope you realise how ridiculous this comment is. I don't know if you're trying to prove something with it, but you're not.

1. I don't live on a deserted island, I live in a developed country and don't need to hunt animals or collect berries to survive. I simply go to a supermarket.
2. Even if I were on a deserted island, it would make a moral difference for me to kill animals then. Because in that case I'd need them to survive, while right now I don't. It wouldn't be unreasonable even for vegans to kill animals to survive on an island, because it's usually not unreasonable to want to stay alive and to prioritize your own survival over the life of other creatures.
Just because you decide to do or not do something in day-to-day life, doesn't mean you have to make the same decision in a life-or-death situation.

Also, I wouldn't survive on a deserted island either way, whether I was vegetarian or not, for reasons entirely unrelated to my food.

Correct, animals suffer just as well. However, what I mean is that huge areas are being cleaned up to grow plant-based food, which is really unhealthy both for the environment overall and for many rare species. The so-called 'green' way of eating and 'green' products take way more resources than some more orthodox kinds of food which speeds up not only the humanity's death but also the death of the biosphere.
So what are you trying to achieve with your 'green' eating? prolong the life of a few livestock animals that will still be murdered for eating later on?

in Hannah’s case, as a teen whose older than her, and WAS a vegetarian for 2 years, I know that this is just a phase, like it or not
Let's not project our own experiences onto the people around us as if they were the only truth.