Are religions necessary in life? Wszystko i nic

I think that religions exists to give meaning to life, there is many opinion but I believe that some peoples need religions and some others think that religions are not "helpful", by the way, religons can be necessary for a part of the population and sometimes it can "save" peoples. I mean, I have no religion but my friend is happy with her religion and she said that it helps her, so it's good for me. But many religion had been directed by state and governement (middles ages in France it's all I know) so there are flaws in the religion texts so peoples misread and have behaviour for is religion not according to it (like wars), i speak about all the religions and not especially one ! ( (my english is awful sorry !)

I think life is about balance. Sometimes our beliefs, our faith can help us to do good in our world. Sometimes it's just the opposite. Religion is just a tool that we have in our hands, depending on how we choose to use it. I agree with most of you. Religion is not a good nor a bad thing. It's the way every one of us choose to interpret the text and follow the speech of some humans in need of domination and power. Most of them are full of anger. The anger is the problem. The energy of destruction is the problem.