Hello world...
... in the middle of the final week of street carnival and one day before the big Rose Monday with it's great parade... I guess it's a good moment to send a huge carnival greeting from Cologne to all of you - wherever you are.

Enjoy a little overview about what carnival means in Cologne - and feel invited to celebrate a little bit with us...
(first 30 second in German is like: "To ask people from Cologne about the Cologne carnival feeling... makes no sense... cause Cologne carnival you need to experience by yourself" - and the music is "Et jitt kein Wood" (it's Cologne dialect, in German: Es gibt kein Wort; English: There's no word) by the band 'Cat Ballou" (it's about: "there's no word to describe how I feel when thinking of Cologne... )

plus another vid as an explanation in English language about Cologne carnival in general

Much fun with calling out loudly the famous Cologne carnival greeting -
to the city we love... to all the people celebrating... and to all the fun we have together...
three times:
Kölle Alaaf ... Kölle Alaaf... Kölle Alaaf
