What's your favorite thing you own and why? Życie codzienne

I would say my shoes because I can go anywhere with lol.

A gift my best friends give me?lol

My stuffed animals and PC (:
First is obvious(memories and all) and second is because I have everything in my PC: school, friends, rest, etc

With no doubt, 🙃 my phone 😊 because I use it for so many useful things I can study with it, chat, work, relax 😆, and so forth

My dead mother's photo

My dead mother's photo

I am sorry for your loss 😔 May she rest in peace.

This is why my mother is the most precious thing I own in my life, along with my father and my whole family. For those who still have parents : enjoy your moments with them, your family and your dear loved ones, before it is too late...

Thanks. Fortunately, I still have my father.

My life

My phone and library pass. The first one is maybe stupid but it's my way of being me. Most of my friends are online and through my phone is the way to stay in contact... The second one is because I love reading!! If I read it's like you are in a whole different world.

A notebook and my phone lol.
The first bc i love journaling and the second bc....... You know

My book in that I write my histories

My pillow and my mirror cuz the pillow holds all my tears, and the mirror, well, cuz I can talk to it while feeling demotivated or depressed (:

My mp3 player. I like its functions of FM radio and recording.
When I feel lonely, I turn on the FM radio. Most of the time I listen to Guangdong Music FM. The signal in my dorm isn't good, giving me the illusion of listening to the sounds of another universe. As I discover new music, I have a wonderful feeling of serenity and then gradually fall asleep.
As for recording, I recorded some sounds like a pleasant chat, a running race, a criticism, a road gale... In one afternoon, turn on a sound recorded last year, and all the sealed memories are back.

My beautiful heart, body and silky soft skin

Believe it or not

all my grandaughters photos who fell asleep 14 years ago age 4 months 1 day i have 37 of her just in the living room they make me smile

all my grandaughters photos who fell asleep 14 years ago age 4 months 1 day i have 37 of her just in the living room they make me smile

Did your granddaughters pass away?

My beautiful heart, body and silky soft skin

Believe it or not

I really love this answer! Perfect!