Love is love.... Życie codzienne

What is love for you?

Is that feeling I get when I see my love ones beeing happy, including my dog.

Love is the opposite of hate 😉

jajaj yes Steven85 it's correct

How could something so simple can be so complicated

Love is Love
Nothin' to say

When you don. T want to lose somebody,maybe

I think it s just a chimical reaction happend on our brain that give us that feeling of love which let us feel that we need to possess that person or that thing forever.. and maybe it's made by nature for not stoping our reproduction for our species

I don. T think that love is only a chemical reaction on our brain, that appears between men and women. It. S much wider,the sence when you don. T what to loose and take care of a friend, a pet, kids and so on.

Scientifcally is a chemical reaction which is normal as human being.. angry, love, fear and so on are just chemical reactions happened on our brain.. but what make us improve that feeling is that we re human and conscious about that feeling..
Loving someone is whene that someone makes your reactions work in abnormal situation which causes love. What do you think ?

love is caring and sacrificing

yes, i thinks is reaction that is independent of the person in front of you (male or female).

Love is kind of a playdough for poets.

I think, love is very deep thing... I think, love is a victim and not only sense, sexual part of life, child and etc... Love it means love for another human

love is when I value other living beings' interests higher than my own. it's the only exception to my otherwise self-sustaining, egoistic because built for survival, human nature

My favorite definition of love is the one written by M Scott Peck in his book The Road Less Travelled.

“Love is the will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s spiritual growth… Love is as love does. Love is an act of will — namely, both an intention and an action. Will also implies choice. We do not have to love. We choose to love.”

I think there is also the feeling of being in love which is different. For that one I say it's a deep connection with someone where one is motivated to act in the way love is defined above.

love is together,even doing nothing.

In my opinion, love is when someone takes care of you voluntarily.