Where would you like to travel? Życie codzienne

I want to travel to Scotland

South Korea, Japan, China
Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, UK, Canada, USA, Greece, Egypt, France
Every country in the word where I could get

I really want to go to the USA. I don’t know why but I think I’ve seen too many high school movies haha!


I want to visit Japan and Europe one day. Japan is an island country, seafood and seaside are both attractive.

I d like to visit usa

Abu Dhabi

I would like to travel to the US, to Spain and somewhere where there's a dream-beach like on the postcards... For example the Seychelles, The Dominican Republic, ... 🙂

I want travel in Scotland and again in Australia

Oh, let. S dream🙂I. D like to go to China, to Iceland and to Italy,and to Israel one again. That are the first my goals. 🙂

I have never been ther but i would love too go too mongolia on vacation one time. or new zealand, i would like to travel too many places.
i like to travel. Okay I`ll write it all down:
New zealand,
kiribati, nauru, palau, Marshall-islands, mikronesia, vanuatu, salomonen, fidchi, papua new guinea, Tonga, Tasmania, Australia, tuvalu, samoa,
Galapagoa, easter-island, saint helena,
Estonia, latvia, lithuania,
Italy, spain, france, madagaskar, georgia, russia, kazahstan, china, brasilia, chile, argentinia, Canada, costa rica, ecuador, uruguay, maledives, sri lanka, Tajikistan, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and sooooooooooooooooo many other places, almost the whole world😆 i think its too much............ but okayyyyyyyy, as long as i can go too some of them when corona is over😁

Edytowane przez Annika2007 .

I would love to travel to Europe or anywhere warm!

There are so many interesting and beautiful places around the world, that is a hard question to answer. But Japan, India, Turkey, Russia, Ireland, Cuba, Vietnam are some of the many places I want to experience.
