Drinking Culture Polityka i władza

What do you think about the drinking culture/laws in your country? How would you reform them?

I would allowed drink beer for students under 21-years old if they have good grades. The ones who’re not so good can be additionally stimulated to increase their marks.

It’s about your country. Because in my country drinking culture is bad and laws regulating drinking alcohol are ever worse. And there’s no way how to control people in alcohol regulations.

In my country you can buy vodka on any petrol station. And bad fruit vine - best drink of our alcoholics , cost less than 1 $. So my country and drinking culture level is somewhere like from a Stone Age.

I'm in the United States. 21 is the drinking age there is zero tolerance. Sometimes in bigger cities stores do not care. Sometimes in rural areas minors will get alcohol from family. I wish the age was lowered because there is many stupid laws surrounding the whole thing. Like I can't help my mom carry wine in the store... she can't carry heavy things and i don't like to drink. They would not sell it to us anyway so I cussed them out lmao.

I don't like alcohol I never have and I've definitely tried while abroad. I don't see what's the big fuss though if we already know kids underage drink all the time. Plus stealing alcohol is super easy 😭.

Here you're allowed to buy lighter alcohol like beer from the age of 16, and everything else from the age of 18. If a parent lets their 14 year-old try some beer in a restaurant nobody will blink an eye at it, in my experience.

I think you shouldn't be allowed to drink that early. I think many kids even drink before that. Alcohol is toxic and damages your body and I don't think a 16 year-old in puberty should have easy and legal access to something that damages them.
They aren't even allowed vote, why would they be legally allowed to buy stuff that's bad for their health like that?

But along with this discussion I think drug laws in general don't make that much sense. Whether something is legal or not only depends on whether or not it's accepted in society like alcohol and cigarettes are.
I don't understand why politicians are making such a fuss about cannabis when cigarettes are being smoked by what feels like 50% of my generation.

In the other hand, you can't just forbid alcohol or cigarretes because that would definitely cause a riot. So I think really the mentality about things like this in society has to change.
You shouldn't look at me weird when I tell you that I don't drink, or expect me to change my mind in the next few years. It's freaky that not consuming certain drugs makes you the odd-one-out.

I would allowed drink beer for students under 21-years old if they have good grades. The ones who’re not so good can be additionally stimulated to increase their marks.
But how would you enforce that on a national and legal level?

It’s not so easy to do, that’s why no one even trying to think about it. You see, because of people of this age have no voting rights, politicians care about parents opinion only.

Edytowane przez Miki_mas .

"... Alcohol is toxic and damages your body and I don't think a 16 year-old in
puberty should have easy and legal access to something that damages them.
They aren't even allowed vote, why would they be legally allowed to buy stuff
that's bad for their health... ? "


"I would like to agree with Alina's basic statement. In my opinion, we do NOT
need a new or adapted law, on the subject of 'alcohol-and-who-may-drink-it'.
Rather, there should be education about what alcohol does to our bodies. A
lot people think they know, -- but they obviously do not... "

Thank You