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  • Moje kulturowe zainteresowania

    Hi ,I am very interested in the culture of other countries and regions, and I especially like the culture of some European countries. I like castles in Germany, manors in France, the Thames in England... There is also about the history, culture and architecture of Russia. Of course, if you're not European, I think we can be pen pals like the character at 84 Charing Cross, so contact me.

  • Ulubione książki, autorzy, filmy

    My favorite writer is Thomas Mann in Germany ,whose work has influenced my life all the time. I especially like his Death in Venice and the Magic Mountain.I also like Russian writers like Sholokhov ,and Japanese writers like Yasunari Kawabata and Haruki Murakami.My favorite movies include Call Me By Your Name,The Color of Pomegranates ,the Great Gatsby and so on.
