

  • Miasta i państwa, które odwiedziłem

    I live in Europe and have been to North America, Asia and Australia

  • Jestem ekspertem w...

    Not an expert but I love playing the piano, I started when I was 6 years old and I‘m just as passionate about it now as when I started

  • Ulubione książki, autorzy, filmy

    Books: gone Girl, Lady chatterlys lover, Schuld
    Movies: inglorious basterds, How to steal a million, chocolat

  • Moje kulturowe zainteresowania

    Love italy and france because of the art, architecture and food. Cant speak the languages tho..🙁

  • Osobiste wyzwanie

    Procrastination…. Struggle a lot

  • Moje największe osiągnięcia

    Winning an art competition in my city! I don’t have a lot of experience so that made me really proud 🙂

  • Życie za granicą na jeden rok

    I would love to live in England, I mean I can only speak German and English so… but regardless of my language skills, England can be so pretty and I love rain and tea haha

  • Zawszę lubię rozmawiać o...

    Movies. Everybody has seen at least one movie in their life, so that’s a topic you can talk about with literally ANYONE. That’s why I like talking about it

  • Czynienie świata lepszem

    Just accept each other. It’s actually quiet simple if you think about it

  • Osobiste umiejętności

    I am good with animals, especially dogs.

