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  • Powiedz coś do świata!

    I'm Maxence, a human (I'm genderfluid so my gender depends) aged 14 (my birthday is the 22nd August if you want to know).

    I'm from Lorraine in France (oui oui je peux parler français mais diversité tu connais). If you're English I can teach you a few words like "saperlipopette" or "boulangerie" (que des mots important).

    I'm a sociable person (but only online) and everybody says I'm funny (and a little bit crazy). I can talk about everything you want even if it's about how dictionaries are forgotten with the internet.

    Bien sûr si tu es français et que tu n'as rien compris à ce texte c'est avec plaisir que je te l'envois en français.

    Hope you enjoy reading this (my letter will be like books xD)
    Like we say in France "à plus dans l'bus"

    Max la menace
    (here's my email if you want to talk feel free to start a conversation)
    (email hidden)

  • Zawszę lubię rozmawiać o...

    I always like to talk about art, be it music, literature or cinema. But I am also open to all kinds of discussions.

  • Jestem podekscytowany/ana...

    Currently, I am thrilled by the cinema especially the aesthetic side which makes one feel very strong emotions. I also look forward to becoming independent and having my own home.

  • Ulubione książki, autorzy, filmy

    I'm in love with police series like Hawaii 5-0, Castle, or Midsomer Murders.
    My movie preference is wider, between animated films, thrillers, comedies, and action films, I have enough to discuss for a long time.
    Music-wise, I'm even easier to convince. Rap, classical, pop, disco ... Everything goes into my playlist. I'm also all the time digging into the darkest corners of Spotify where I find little-known wonders.
    For books, I mainly look for the reading that takes you on a journey with the main character.

  • Jestem ekspertem w...

    I am an expert at eating, sleeping, and being annoying. Seriously I'm a very good listener and my friends say I have artistic fiber.

  • Moja opinia o przyszłości

    I have a huge phobia for the future that I try to cure every day. Thinking about the future even if only tomorrow scares me and even makes me dizzy and uncomfortable. I prefer to focus on the present moment rather than project myself into the future.

  • Kiedy byłem/am dzieckiem, pragnąłem/am...

    As a child, I wish I had become a space lion tamer, large animal vet, rock star/flight attendant, secret agent/fashionista, and a policewoman. I also wanted to have a vegetarian lion (from space of course), a unicorn, a capuchin, a cat, a dog, and always more cute animals.

