

  • 3
  • Zawszę lubię rozmawiać o...

    Everything. I'm a very curious person. In general I like to know the different ways of the people to watch the same subject.

  • Jestem ekspertem w...

    I don't like the word "expert", because what we know about I thing is only a small part of the entire knowledge about it.
    I'm curious about everything and I know something about:
    - architecture;
    - sports like running, swimming, soccer, tennis, padel and cycling;
    - art;
    - photography.

  • Moje największe osiągnięcia

    I satisfied for my private life and for my career. In general I think to be a curious person, who is making a travel in his life.
    I'm trying to be better every day than the day before, in work and in my private life.
    The best results achieved so far in my life, are:
    - have achieved good results in my school life, making in this way happy my parents;
    - watching my children grow up;
    - have created my architectural studio, which is growing and where I see people work happily.

  • Ostatnio się uczyłem/am...

    I'm learning to play tennis and padel.
    I'm also trying to improve my english.

  • Największy żal

    No regrets. They are useless. It's important to know our past to have a better future, but without regrets.

  • Miasta i państwa, które odwiedziłem

    I visited a lot of place in Italy. The only region I haven’t been to is Sicily.
    Outside of Italy I went in Miami and Florida, Lione, London, Cairo and Egypt, Salzburg, and Munich.

  • Moja opinia o naturze ludzkiej

    Man is able to achieve high results and great wickedness. But everything is part of a journey and is useful to achieve a balance.

