

  • 6
  • Coś niezwykłego o mnie

    HI friends!! I'm Chanduli.I'm 19 years old Sri Lankan girl. My hobbies are reading,watching T.V,listening music,playing the piano. Badminton is my favourite sport. I like to make lot of friends from all around the world. Feel free to message me.

  • Miasta i państwa, które odwiedziłem

    I like to travel all around the world during my life.

  • Moje kulturowe zainteresowania

    I interested learning about lot of foreign cultures.

  • Ulubione książki, autorzy, filmy

    I like to read specially adventure stories. Also I like horror,comedy and comic books. I like Harry Potter, Famous five.......

  • Powiedz coś do świata!

    True friends are always willing to help us.

  • Zawszę lubię rozmawiać o...

    Yes. I always enjoy talk about lot of things such as hobbies, novels,films,wonderful places in the world etc.

  • Osobiste wyzwanie

    I never done.But I hope to do every thing successfully.

  • Przyjemności dzieciństwa

    Specially I watched cartoons and played with my friends.

  • Życie za granicą na jeden rok

    I hope to visit all cities and wonderful places.

  • Myślę, że ludzie powinni więcej wiedzieć o...

    I wish people knew more about best qualities.

